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learn all - in one class


self-defence and keep-fit

Shin-Kin has been running since 1982. 
The system teaches all ranges of combat, including-



Punching/Hand strikes




It trains the mind (Shin) as well as the body (Kin). Through meditation and focusing exercises.

As well as learning about Sikhi teachings and history.


Learn all ranges
in one class

The system teaches all ranges of combat as part of a structured and coherent development programme. 

Classes are open to male and female of all ages. 

There is a grading system. It takes 2-3 years to get to an intermediate level, 4-5 years to get to an advanced level, and 12 years to reach a Black Belt level.

Workout Facility

Improve your confidence,
coordination, focus, flexibility, endurance, strength and awareness

Our Methods

All Ranges of Combat


1st Range

Close range combat including wrestling, grappling, floor combat, locks and close range strikes

2nd Range

Including open hand strikes, closed fist hand strikes like boxing, elbows and knees. Also knife and short blade combat.

3rd Range

Covers all range of kicking, to the legs, body and head, as well as dynamic jumping and spinning kicks. Mid sized weapons such as short sticks and medium length blades.

4th Range

All kinds of weapons, including swords, staffs, double sword and spear.

5th Range

Projectile weapons such as shooting and archery.


Improve your physical and mental awareness


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